Based on guidelines and recommendations put forth by the State of Texas and CDC, we will observe the following in our SummerCamp campus sites:

MASKS: Masks are not required. UHD encourages unvaccinated people to wear masks. UHD encourages vaccinations. For those who prefer to wear a mask, they may certainly continue to do so.

DESIGNED FOR SOCIAL DISTANCE: Modifications have been made inside all our classrooms so participants can maintain at least 6 feet of distance between each other.  We will encourage all participants to observe social distancing wherever possible outside the classrooms as well.

CLEANING: Our staff team will continue to ensure the highest standards for cleaning in all areas of the facility as well as follow all health and safety guidelines that are currently in place. We encourage our participants to be a part of the process and clean their equipment before and after use to maximize personal safety.

Restrooms and commonly touched surfaces will be cleaned and disinfected frequently. We have added extra hand sanitizing stations, cleaning supplies and staff in addition to a system to ensure that equipment is cleaned and sanitized between uses.

While we will make every effort to create a safe learning environment, families should consider the implications of participation by their children for the health and well-being of family members as appropriate.

The following procedures will be mandatory for each party involved in camp, our Families, our Campers and our Staff:

For Families

  • Parents must remain in the car for drop off and pick up. Campers will be met at the drop-off location and escorted into camp by camp staff.

For Campers

  • All campers must wash hands or use hand sanitizer upon entering camp each day.
  • Campers must bring their own water bottles. Refill stations will be available throughout the day but water fountains may not be in service.

For Staff

  • Staff members must answer the UHD COVID-19 Health Questions each day to satisfy admission into camp.
  • All staff members must wash hands upon entering camp each day and use sanitizer regularly throughout the day as appropriate for activities and contact points.
  • Consistent with the actions taken by many employers across the state, our camp staff will wear personal face masks during the day. Gloves will be used during specific times at camp.
  • Staff will encourage and engage in social distancing practices in classrooms and common areas.

The following steps will be taken for any camper or staff member who demonstrates symptoms of sickness during camp:

  • The camper or staff member exhibiting symptoms of illness during camp will be isolated in our designated room.
  • The camper’s parents will be called and asked to pick up their camper immediately.
  • The staff member exhibiting symptoms will be asked to leave camp immediately.
  • If the camper or staff member has symptoms that could be COVID-19 and wants to return to camp, the individual must obtain a medical professional’s note clearing the individual for return based on a negative nucleic-acid COVID-19 test and an alternative diagnosis.
  • In the case of a staff member who has symptoms that could be COVID-19 and does not get evaluated by a medical professional or tested for COVID-19, the individual is assumed to have COVID-19, and the individual may not return to work until they have completed these three steps :
  • at least 24 hours have passed since there was a fever (resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications); and the individual has no symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath); and at least 10 days have passed since symptoms first appeared.
  • If anyone in the program has had exposure to someone with lab-confirmed or diagnosed COVID-19:
    • If they have been fully vaccinated, they do not need to quarantine,
    • If they take a COVID test 5 days after their exposure, and the test is negative, they must quarantine for 7 days,
    • If they do not take a COVID test, they must quarantine for 10 days.

University of Houston-Downtown
1 Main Street, Suite 716N
Houston, TX 77004
(713) 221-8032
